In our blog today we will be taking a look at what smart home assistants work best with different home security companies, home automation and video surveillance equipment.
Every year technology companies are making new gadgets that allow for more conveniences in our everyday lives. One particular type of gadget that has gained in popularity with consumers around the world are voice control devices, also known as smart home assistants. You can pretty much control all of your smart technology with smart home assistants. Security companies saw the rise in popularity with smart home assistants and decided to make their equipment compatible with these assistants. Let’s go over some of those security companies and see how they integrate with the two big voice control devices on the market, Amazon Alexa and Google Home Assistant.
Towards the ends of this post, we will talk at length about our smart home security system at Link Interactive, and how it works with voice control assistants to take your smart home to the next level.
One of the most popular smart home assistants on the market currently is the Amazon Alexa. Their first smart home assistant was released in 2014, and it was the first generation of Alexas. Alexa is small circular device that works by connecting wirelessly to your home’s WIFI network. It is powered through an AC power source. You can download the free Alexa app for smartphones to easily setup your Amazon Alexa. You will also be able to control all of the features of your Alexa through the Alexa smartphone app. The Alexa has a built-in speaker with microphone that allows to use voice commands to do various things like play music. Amazon’s Alexa also lets you shop Amazon using voice commands. Since the first Alexa it has gone through many upgrades, and now there is pretty much no limits to what Alexa can do when it comes it smart home technology
ADT with Amazon Alexa
If you are familiar with home security then you have probably heard of ADT. ADT is one of the largest providers of home security across the United States. One of the greatest advancements of ADT’s technology is the ability to use Amazon’s Alexa with their products. You can use Alexa’s voice command remote to disarm and arm your system. You will also be able to control any smart light devices that you have connected to your ADT system with Amazon Alexa’s voice command remote. If you have smart locks in your home Alexa will allow you to remotely lock and unlock those locks through voice commands. Alexa will also send you alerts anytime your ADT system has been triggered. Adding an Alexa Guard to your ADT security system will allow you to use it to monitor your life safety devices such as smoke detectors. The Alexa Guard can listen for the alert sounds of your life safety devices, glass breaking, and other smart home and security equipment sounds. When the sounds are heard Alexa will send you an instant alert.
Brinks Home Security with Amazon Alexa
Brinks Home Security is one of the top providers of security solutions for homeowners across the United States. They have several different security solutions, one of them includes the Nest Secure system. Brinks allows you to use Amazon’s Alexa with their security system. With Alexa you will be able to use its voice command remote to activate and use any video surveillance equipment that is connected to your Brinks Home Security system. You will also have the ability to control smart home devices such as lights with voice commands through Alexa. You can lock smart locks, open and close garage doors, and control smart thermostats through voice commands with Alexa. Alexa also gives you the ability to arm and disarm your system with a simple voice command. Alexa will allow you to check the status of the equipment mentioned above using voice commands as well.
Vivint with Amazon Alexa
Vivint is another top provider of security for homes and offices across the United States. They provide consumers with high-quality security, home automation and video surveillance equipment along with professional, self and video monitoring services. Vivint allows you to control your video surveillance equipment using voice commands through Alexa. You can use voice commands to trigger your Vivint security cameras to start recording.
You will able to control and check the status of any smart home devices such as automated door locks using voice command through Alexa. Alexa will also allow you to check the status of your Vivint security system using a voice command, and you will be able to arm and disarm your system with voice commands as well.
Another really popular smart home assistant that is currently out on the market is the Google Home Assistant. Google Home Assistant was first released back in 2016 and has gained in popularity among consumers across the United States. The Google Home Assistant is a small circular device, and probably the most popular type of smart technology to hit the markets are smart home assistants. Google Home Assistant and Amazon’s Alexa are probably the most popular brands of smart home assistants that are currently on the market. Security companies like Link Interactive (, Ring, Nest and ADT saw the rise in popularity in these smart home assistants and decided to incorporate them into their products. Now with Alexa and Google Home Assistant you can control the features of your security system with voice commands.
The Google Home Assistant works by connecting wirelessly to your home’s WIFI network. It is powered through an AC power source so make sure you have one nearby. The Google Home Assistant has a built-in speaker with a microphone which allows you to use voice commands to control it. All of the features for your Google Home Assistant can be accessed through the free Google Home smart phone app that works for Apple and Android Devices. Google Home Assistant will even search the internet for you using voice commands, and can give you results for your internet search in a matter of minutes. You can play music, control smart devices, and even control video surveillance equipment with your Google Home Assistant. The Google Home Assistant has gone through a few versions, and their current version is the Google Home Assistant.
Nest with Google Home Assistant
The Google Home Assistant works pretty much the same as Amazon’s Alexa. Google Home Assistants work really well with Nest products. Nest is an extremely popular brand of home security products. Nest over the years has branched out their product line to include security and smart home automation products. Google Home Assistant allows you to control Nest Indoor cameras with voice commands. You can stream live and recorded video clips using Google Home Assistant’s voice commands with your Nest Indoor cameras. You will also be able to use Google Home Assistant with your Nest Secure security system. You can arm and disarm your Nest Secure security system using voice commands through your Google Home Assistant. You will also be able to control Nest Smart Thermostats using voice commands through your Google Home Assistant.
SimpliSafe with Amazon Alexa and Google Home Assistant
SimpliSafe is probably a security company that your have heard of. They are a DIY (do it yourself) type of security company which means that you will need to set up all the equipment yourself. One of the good things about having a SimpliSafe system is that you can use both Alexa and Google Home Assistant with their system. The features that can be used with Amazon Alexa’s and Google Home Assistant and your SimpliSafe system are the same. You can arm and disarm your system using voice commands through your Alexa or Google Home Assistant. You will also be able to check the status of your system and equipment using voice commands through Alexa and Google Home Assistant.
Frontpoint with Amazon Alexa and Google Home Assistant
Frontpoint is a really popular security provider of home security for consumers across the United States. Frontpoint offers top of the line security, home automation, and video surveillance equipment at an affordable price. They have several different security solutions that are designed to fit your specific budget. You will be able to use both Alexa and Google Home Assistant with your Frontpoint system. The features that you can use with Alexa and Google Home Assistant with your Frontpoint system are the same. You will be able to check the status of your sensors, smart home automation equipment, and video surveillance equipment using voice commands through your Alexa or Google Home Assistant. You can quickly arm and disarm your system with voice commands. If you have a camera connected to your Frontpoint system you will be able to trigger it to start to record using voice commands through Alexa or Google Home Assistant. is a security monitoring service provider that is used to power the apps of many major security products. It’s the app of choice at Link Interactive. With Link Interactive’s, you can use both Alexa and Google Home assistant with our self-monitoring services. The features for both Alex and Google Home Assistant are the same when it comes to how they work with You will be able to check the status of your security system along with arming and disarming your system using voice commands through Alexa or Google Home Assistant. With Alexa or Google Home Assistant you can control the features of any video surveillance equipment you have connected to Link Interactive’s also allows you to check the status of and control any smart home devices you have connected to your Link Interactive Shahen using voice commands through Alexa or Google Home Assistant.
Home Security with Link Interactive
Here at Link Interactive, we use America’s favorite home security brands, 2GIG, Qolsys and to bring you the best in home security hardware and software. Our 2GIG and Qolsys equipment are cutting-edge in home security technology, and our app is by far the leader in smart home control. The app allows you to control your home security system, together with any added video cameras and home automation equipment like lights, thermostats, garage openers and door locks. Plus, Link Interactive is known for its awesome customer service. Although Xfinity is household name, the fact that it is such a huge company actually works against them when it comes to providing customers with that personalized, attentive customer service. At Link Interactive, we make it a point to go over and beyond expectations to deliver amazing customer service.
To learn more about Link Interactive or to get a quote, visit us here.